We hope everyone had a happy and safe Labor Day weekend. It's the unofficial last weekend of summer, and we certainly enjoyed the nice weather. We laid in the sun for a while and spent some time hanging out on the patio. We also did some labor-helping Aunt Pat in the garden. I can't help if every time I see Aunt Pat pulling things up I think she's getting us something to eat! Chloe and I helped her pick the carrots that were ready, and she let us eat them! We even got a couple that weren't ready, but that's how we learn. We also stayed close to Aunt Pat as she was freezing vegetables. You never know when she might drop something, and it's very important to keep the floor clean so nobody trips and hurts themselves.

If Chloe looks a little sad in this picture, she is. Tony went away this weekend with his folks and I think she missed barking at him and sniffing his "mail" on our walks. Plus, school starts tomorrow and Chloe won't have as many people to bark at, err, say hello to during the day. She's a plucky girl and she'll adjust. I'm sure the kids will be out when we take our afternoon walk, so she'll be able to see them at that time.
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