Super Heidi! Whoo hoo! I can fly! Well, with a little help from the lift they have at the Vet's office to get me into the tub. Aunt Pat thought I looked like Super Heidi when they put me in there this afternoon. Sure, I'm safely locked into a harness that my front legs poke through that goes up to my hind legs. But, with my coat all wet from walking on the underwater treadmill, getting into the harness looked like a superhero costume. All I need is a mask and a cape! Granted, I can't leap a building in a single bound, but I can sure hop over a full food bowl when I want to. I don't normally want to hop over a food bowl. I'd rather dig in!

Today at the Vet, I had a good sniff at a bowl in one of the boarding cages, but it was empty. That was probably a good thing, since they weighed me today. I'm 88.3 pounds, which is still too heavy. So, the people at the Vet's office will analyze my diet and come up with a plan that we'll see next week. They know I love fresh picked carrots and spinach, as well as beans, so hopefully this diet won't be too bad. Today I spent a little longer on the treadmill and went a little faster. It was also the first day I was in the tank myself. Of course, the Vet Assistants were right there, and they put a nice floaty thing in the water so I could rest my head while I walked.

Chloe has been very helpful lately. Yesterday, Aunt Pat made chicken pies, and Chloe was right there to keep the floor clean when Aunt Pat dropped anything. There were corn pieces, carrots, celery and some pieces of dough. She likes cooked carrots better than the raw ones since they're easier for her to chew. I'm trying to get her to try spinach. Right now, she'll sniff in the container, but she won't try any. I'm sure she'll dive in once Aunt Pat's fall crop comes up.
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