I've been dreading this day. I had another appointment at the rehab Vet today. I knew I was going to be put on a diet, but It's always hard when "D"-day arrives. I need to lose close to 9 pounds. I know I'll feel better once I get the weight off, but I'm going to miss the little "extras" during the day...and evening. But, if all goes well, in 48 days the weight will be off. They're cutting back on the portions of both the wet and dry food. That's okay. I can always snack on Chloe's bowl. Oops! I shouldn't have said that so loudly. Aunt Pat and Daddy already try to chase me out of Chloe's bowl. Sometimes Chloe takes food into the dining room to eat and comes back to her bowl for more. Of course, I think she's finished, so I jump right in to finish the leftovers. I've never seen a piece of kibble I didn't like. Tonight, Aunt Pat fed us in different rooms and she put Chloe's bowl on top of the bread box when Chloe had finished so I couldn't get at it.

The real hardship in all this is cutting back on snacks. I can only have 4 biskees a day, and 2 slices of the deli turkey I use to take my pills! That's not fair! I can eat all 4 biskees in one sitting. Plus, I thought the calories from the turkey and the biskees didn't count. It's a well-known fact, at least I thought it was a well-known fact that the calories of food you take with medicine were cancelled. The food becomes medicine. Mary Poppins said it-"a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down in the most delightful way." If the sugar is delightful, it must help the medicine do its job, and thus becomes medicine. What kind of people would disagree with Mary Poppins? I'll have to get some clarification on this issue on Monday. I go back to spend the day and have my therapy. In the meantime, I guess I'll have to test the humans' will and their resistance to the irresistible looks of cuteness/pathetic dog "you must feel sorry for me" mojo I can muster.

Chloe has the cuteness thing down, no problem. Tomorrow she goes to the Groomer. She's looking forward to it.
1 comment:
Keep up the good work Heidi. No pain, no gain.... Chloe, hope you enjoyed your grooming.
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