No, not my mind, but I've lost 3 pounds!!! I was a little reluctant to get on the scale Wednesday, but was I happy I did. Aunt Pat thought my weight loss could be partially explained by the large number 2 I did right before I went inside at the Rehab Vet. I think she's full of it. Everyone was very happy for me. I guess all the carrots and beans are working! Aunt Pat thinks she can see my waistline coming back. This week, I did a 2-minute warm-up and then 13 minutes at a higher speed for a total of 15 minutes on the underwater treadmill.
Last week I ended up at our Regular Vet. My nails had been trimmed at the Rehab Vet, and a couple of them bled slightly. They put some powder on them, and they were fine. Unfortunately, I must have scraped them on the sidewalk when Aunt Pat took us for our morning walk, and they started bleeding again. My tail also bled quite a bit. I've been whacking it against the wall because I'm so happy to see my humans, especially when they finally break out the biskees. A girl can't live on carrots and beans alone, you know.
Anyway, our Vet put some more powder on my nails and told Aunt Pat to put some of my ear medicine on my tail. I couldn't believe my ears! Ear medicine, on my tail? For a moment I wondered if he thought I had my ears up my tail. But then he explained that the ointment had an antibiotic to prevent infection, an oil base to soften some of the hard tissue at the tip of my tail; and a medication to ease any inflammation. He also told Aunt Pat that she could try to put a bandage on my tail if the bleeding was worse. If I tried to chew off the bandage, the doctor could get a special collar. I was a little upset when I heard that. There's a dog boarding at the Rehab Vet who has to wear one after surgery. It's a big cone, and it doesn't look like it'd be easy to eat with it on, but it looks like there may be room to stash some snacks. But, the visions of hidden kibble vanished from my head when our Vet said he could get one that looked something like a human would wear after a car accident. Plus, he mentioned that the humans could put some foam pipe insulation on my tail to protect it. Pipe insulation? Who is our Vet, MacGuyver?
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