I wouldn't have believed it when Chloe told me the mess in the back yard wasn't her fault. It looked like there had been a wild dog bash in the back yard! Chloe's a good girl, but she's very social. Whenever we're out, she wants to stop for a chat with the humans we meet, or to greet other dogs no matter how far away they are. She'll stand on her hind legs, dance around and look cute just to attract attention.

Wednesday, Aunt Pat took me for my therapy appointment, and when we got home, there was a man in the back yard pushing a big noisy machine around. He was doing something called an aeration, which helps the yard be healthy. Plus, they put grass seed down in the front yard. Too bad they didn't put any in the back. Chloe and I have been eating our share and some tender shoots next spring would be a treat. After he left, Aunt Pat took us outside.

You can see why I thought there had been a lot of dogs here. When we saw this, Aunt Pat said the dirt and grass plugs reminded her of, well, number two. Me too. I sniffed around the yard just to be sure, but Chloe and I were the only dogs I smelled. Then, I sampled a few of the plugs. More dirt than grass, so I spit most of them out.

My appointment at the Vet went well. I went longer on the treadmill and a little faster. I managed to lose a tenth of a pound, so I'm starting to go in the right direction. But, the doctor wants me to eat a little less dry food in the morning. The humans are giving me, well, us, baby carrots for treats more often and putting some canned, unsalted green beans mixed in with our food. They're supposed to make us feel full, and not feel like we're being deprived. I don't feel deprived, I love carrots and beans, so I'm in heaven!
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