Monday night, Aunt Pat let us out to do our business before we went to bed. Normally, we just do our thing and go in. But, this time we had some unexpected company. Aunt Pat heard rustling in the bushes, and saw something dart across the back yard. The light wasn't great, since we only had the light from the motion sensor by the back door. Of course, Chloe, our Director of Homeland Security, heard it, then took off after the creature. I barked and ran across the walk, protecting Aunt Pat and directing Chloe to go behind the bushes at the back of the yard. Well, the thing came out in the open, and Aunt Pat could see it was a rabbit. A pretty big rabbit that had tried to crawl under the fence but couldn't get out that way. So, it turned around and headed straight for Aunt Pat and me. It veered off into the darkness, so Aunt Pat put me in the house and got the flashlight. I had no intention of hurting the rabbit, I was protecting Aunt Pat. I laid by the back door, but couldn't see much. After a few minutes, Aunt
Pat brought Chloe inside.
Aunt Pat told me that Chloe had chased the rabbit behind the shrubs on the side of the yard, and as she headed over there, she heard Chloe yelp. As she ran over, the rabbit and then Chloe ran out of the bushes around the back of the yard again. Aunt Pat only caught Chloe once she stopped to rest. Apparently, she got a little too close to the rabbit, and the rabbit must have kicked her and pulled a little of her hair out. She didn't think Chloe ran into the fence, Aunt Pat didn't see any hair or blood on the fence or in the shrubs. The spot was a little swollen, so Daddy called the Vet. He said that there was a scab there, but it was okay. We'll just keep an eye on it, and if it looks like it's getting infected, the humans will call him back. The rabbit got away. Aunt Pat heard the gate rattle once she went back out to open the it. A few minutes later, we went back outside to complete our business, and Chloe was a little unhappy that it was gone.
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