Yes, that's right. Chloe and I can understand words the humans say, and I think the extent of our vocabulary has surprised them. We know our basic commands like sit, stay, come, down, etc. We perk up when we hear the words Walkies-Chloe gets more excited than I do, because I'd rather hear the word Ride, or Ridies Whenever we go outside, I'll stop at Aunt Pat's car first, and then Daddy's car, with my best, cutest grin on my face. By then, Aunt Pat or Daddy usually tells me that we're doing walkies not ridies and calls me a silly girl. Silly? Maybe. But you can't stop a girl from trying.

Many of the words we know have to do with food and eating. We know breakfast, dinner, turkey, num-num or noms, biskee, treat-treat, and the results of those actions, like potties, outside, bathrooms, piddly-widdlies, or poopies, or poopie-doopies. Boy, the humans use more baby talk than I thought they did. But, if they think we're amused by it, Chloe and I will let them think so.

Chloe's latest favorite word is carrot. I love a good carrot, so I know where she's coming from. But, Chloe's found a new favorite food, besides our usual kibble. If Aunt Pat gives me a carrot for doing my exercises, Chloe has to have one. When she hears the word, she'll stop what she's doing and comes running. Aunt Pat's been using it to get her to come inside when she dawdles at the spot I've used to eat grass. She's even been checking out the refrigerator to see if she can find them. I think Chloe's heard the humans talk about Thanksgiving so much that she's been searching for the turkey and the stuffing. That's next week.
I know actual names of food places. I don't get too excited if Daddy or Aunt Pat talks about going to Wegmans. But, sometimes Daddy will go to McDonalds and get himself breakfast on the weekends. He doesn't give me any, but it smells really good. So, on Saturday, I was in the laundry room with Aunt Pat, helping her fold the sheets we use for the furniture, when I heard the word McDonalds from the family room. I thought maybe this time Daddy would get a hamburger or french fries for a little treat that he would share. I've been good on my diet and I've lost weight, so one little nosh wouldn't hurt anything, right? So, I ran from the laundry room into the family room. I heard the word again, and my ears perked up. Boy, was I disappointed when I found out it was only the t.v. There was some special on one of the news networks about the restaurant. Daddy thought my reaction was funny. I didn't. Why is it, when you're on a diet, or you're sick and can't eat anything, that every t.v. station has the best food commercials or programs about food, and all you can do is sit there and drool?
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