Last Friday, Daddy took Chloe to our usual Vet for a routine check up and her immunizations. He was happy with how she looked, but he said she could lose a couple of pounds. So, we're both cutting back on portion size and getting more exercise.
It seems to be working in my case, anyway. I went to the Rehab Vet today, and I've lost two more pounds! I'm down to 83 pounds, and there's only three more to go! Of course I'm giving Chloe some tips on dealing with this whole diet thing, and I'm helping the humans monitor her portion size. If she wanders away from her bowl, even if she's still chewing, I'll make the sacrifice and eat what's left. Everyone knows that once you walk away from the table, you shouldn't sit down again. I'm just looking out for Chloe.
I lagged a little on the treadmill today, but they were still happy with my progress. The weather's been pretty nice the last few days. Warm, and we haven't had a lot of rain. So, we've been spending more time outside.
Chloe really likes leaves this year. She loves the sound they make when she walks on them, and she, well, we both like their smell. They don't always taste too good, though, especially if they've been sitting around for a while. As with all food, fresh is best. Sometimes we'll find a little surprise underneath them. I've found pieces of bread or a hamburger roll. Aunt Pat couldn't tell because I ate it so fast. I knew Aunt Pat wouldn't let me eat it if she'd seen it, so I scarfed it right down. It must have been fresh, since I didn't have any tummy trouble afterwards. Aunt Pat told me I would probably throw up, but I didn't. She isn't always right. Most of the time, yes, but not always. Silly humans.
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