Technically, it's the second, but the first time I made one the snow melted so fast we didn't have time to get a picture of it. Today, we were ready.

We had to be ready, because we couldn't stay outside too long because of the wind and the cold.

Even Chloe bolted for the house when the wind kicked up. She never likes to come in right away after doing her business. Sometimes she gets distracted by looking around the yard, and sniffing around the yard, she only does her thing when the humans have called her to come in for the second or third time. Not today. I think she missed our walkies today, but once the snow squall hit this afternoon she was just as happy to watch it curled up in the comfort of one of the living room chairs.

I didn't get off so easily, though. Yesterday the Rehab Vet gave us some exercises to do on days like today when we can't go for walks. I gained back a couple of pounds, but they said my weight would fluctuate. I'm sure it was just water clinging to my coat from the snow dog. Oh, heck, everyone gains weight at the holidays, and I'm no exception. I'm glad they were so nice about it. My stomach was off a little yesterday, too, I probably ate something I shouldn't have...again. But, today I'm fine. I'll just have to be careful what I eat...and maybe listen to the humans when they tell me that I'm eating too much grass or to "leave it" when we're out on our walks.
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