Well, I don't have a cast iron stomach like I thought I did. I'm not sure if it was the yummy crunchy thing I found under the leaf in the neighbor's yard, or if there was something in the water at the Humane Society when we went for our Christmas photo, but very early Monday, I had some loose stool on the rug where the dining room meets the stairs....in three places. I didn't mean to make a mess. Aunt Pat had steam cleaned the rugs Sunday morning and they looked and smelled so clean. I flopped down on the rug and watched Aunt Pat work while Chloe stayed out of the way. I felt so bad about it, but the humans weren't mad. But, I laid nearby while first Daddy cleaned the spots with the usual cleaner, and then when Aunt Pat got the rug cleaner out and steamed the area again.

I didn't feel too badly. Monday, the Vet's office said to cut back on my food and that I should probably take it easy. No wonder I had to beg, err, bark so much for treats. I ate with my usual vigor, but Tuesday I had a couple more looser stools in the back yard. So, Daddy called the Vet and we went over. He had to get a sample to take with us. The Vet said that I had a couple of different bacteria up there, and he gave us an antibiotic and another pill to stop the diarrhea. I've been shaking my head a little more often, so Daddy had the Vet check my ears. They didn't look too bad, but the Vet gave us some ointment the humans have to put in twice a day.

Daddy and Aunt Pat were a little worried that I might have to miss my appointment at the Rehab Vet yesterday. But, I hadn't had anymore problems...in fact I hadn't left any stool anywhere so the Vet said I could go. Daddy and Aunt Pat had taken me out quite a bit before we left...I think they were a little worried that I'd get there and have an accident during my treatment. But, all went well. I surprised everyone when I spent the normal amount of time on the treadmill. I was tired, but no problems. Everyone there loved our Christmas photo.
I'm very happy to report that my insides are feeling much better, and this morning, things were back to normal. Unfortunately Daddy and Aunt Pat are being more vigilant about what we get our noses into while we're out for walkies. Chloe and I love to shove the leaves aside or just root underneath them to see what's there. Party poopers!
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