Monday, April 28, 2008

It's Got to Be a New Record!

3 Tennis balls chewed up in the span of three hours! Plus, I chewed up a rubber chew toy that said it was indestructable. When I saw that on the package, I had to see if it was true. It wasnt. Aunt Pat found pieces of it all over the house. The package also said it had a nice minty flavor. It was okay-a nice departure from tennis ball, but I had to chew up two more tennis balls this weekend to be sure. Chloe watched closely, and wanted in on the action by chewing up the long "retriever roll" fetch toy. Smart girl, learning from the Chief Chewer in this house! Katie just sat there staring at me. She didn't bark her usual short bark when she wants us to do something, so I think she was just awestruck. Or she was making sure I didn't chew anything else. She didn't have to worry. I just chew my biskees and my toys.

Chloe rolled over in the grass yesterday! It was more of a flop and a wiggle, but she's getting the hang of it. Friday, she and Katie will go to the Vet and get their blood tested for heartworm and Lyme Disease just like I did. I'll miss the extra treats, but let's face it, who really likes to go to the doctor! Next week, she'll go to the groomer. She's looking a little shaggy, and she really should look as cute as Katie and I do after our trip to the groomer.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tennis Ball....Yumm

It's my second favorite flavor, next to biskees. I've chewed up a couple in the past couple of days, as well as a tennis ball ring toy Aunt Pat bought yesterday. Chloe likes to play tug-of-war on the floor, and the canvas toy Aunt Pat got at the Country Max show is all chewed up. Aunt Pat thought Chloe would like this one, since it's smaller and Chloe can get her little mouth around it. Well, once I got to it, it only lasted about an hour after Aunt Pat brought it home.

Katie started having trouble chewing the biskees we've been using. Daddy and Aunt Pat noticed that the latest few bags had much harder biskees, so Daddy got her some softer ones from the Vet's office. They're called Butler Nutrisentials Lean Treats. Chloe eats them too, and I will when anyone gives me one. The humans also are switching to a canned food, which is easier to chew. We're now getting a combination of Neutro Natural Choice Senior Chicken and Rice canned, with the dry. Katie eats some of the dry, but prefers the canned. We get so excited at meal time I wag my tail so hard my whole butt quakes! I know you are what you eat, so I hope we don't start growing feathers and clucking instead of barking. What would the neighbors think!

We've been having more fun in the backyard. Here we are waiting for Mrs. G. to come to the fence. She's very nice to us, and Chloe licks her fingers through the fence. We also met Mrs. S. in the other house behind us. They said I was beautiful! They had a Lab like me, only he was black, and their daughter, who was up on Easter, owns Stella. Aunt Pat felt stupid because she didn't recognize their daughter when she came out to talk to us, but Mrs. S. wasn't offended.

You all know how much I love to roll in the grass, but now I've got Katie doing it! Yep, she started not too long after I did. She's trying to show Chloe how to do it, but Chloe doesn't quite have the hang of it yet.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Aunt Pat isn't Happy....

But we are! We had such a good lunch today. We knew something was up when Aunt Pat called us into the kitchen and handed out the biskees. It's not something she does a lot. Normally, we have to do something good to get one, like do our piddles outside, or sit, or I bark so much she finally realizes we want snackies. It's not fair if the humans are the only one to eat between meals.

Anyway, after several biskees between us, she had us all in the kitchen, and she shut the folding door that led to the dining room and the rest of the house! Sure, we had our food and water, but no sofas! At least Aunt Pat made her lunch and started to eat. When Aunt Pat left the refridgerator door open, Katie started to climb in and got to lick the end of a steak through the foil that wasn't closed tightly enough! Aunt Pat shooed Katie out and started eating. We were only in there for a few minutes when the door bell rang. Aunt Pat wasn't fast enough and Katie slipped out to see what was going on. Once Aunt Pat brought Katie back, Katie told us that there was a man there to clean the air conditioner!
Aunt Pat had left her chair pulled out from the table, so Chloe, being the good little sister she is, climbed up and nosed the rest of Aunt Pat's sandwich off the plate onto the floor. Turkey...yumm, although Chloe ate most of it. The roll, well it was a little tough. Chloe hopped back onto the chair and lapped up a little milk out of Aunt Pat's cup. Needless to say, Aunt Pat wasn't happy we finished her lunch, but it wouldn't have tasted too good after sitting out on the table for an hour. We did her a favor! Then, we took a good nap after our after lunch piddle.

Aunt Pat is also unhappy about her hard drive crashing over the weekend. She's had a lot of migraines lately and hasn't been feeling well. Funny, I didn't hear anything crash, but I did hear a few naughty words. She lost all of the data on the computer, especially the photos of us!
So, she's started taking more pictures to replace the ones she lost. I just hope she backs them up this time.

Friday, April 18, 2008

I Feel Pretty....

and I smell pretty too! Daddy dropped me off at the groomer this morning and they gave me a wonderful bath! Aunt Pat said I smelled very clean and fresh when she came to pick me up. I have that "new dog smell" I've heard so much about. Chloe had to sniff me all over to make sure it was really me! After I got home, we all went outside. I really had to go potty, and play fetch since it's such a nice day out. Mrs. S. even threw the ball for me once!
Of course, after a good game of fetch, there's nothing like scratching one's itches with a roll around on the grass. Aunt Pat wasn't thrilled, since we'd only been home for around 10 minutes. But, a girls gotta do what a girl's gotta do, right?

Aunt Pat said that Katie and Chloe missed me a lot! Katie whined and cried and Chloe sat in the window waiting for me to come home! They got some extra tummy rubs and ear scratches to help them feel better.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Busy Week!

It's been a very busy week for me! Monday, Aunt Pat took me to the Vet to have my rabies vaccine updated. While I was there, they gave me a pedicure, and drew my blood for the Heartworm test. The bad thing, is that I gained a pound since I've moved here. All those biskees are going straight to my thighs! Dr. Hughes said I was doing well, but I may have a little touch of arthritis starting in my hips. I was so good, the Vet Tech gave me a couple of biskees!

Friday, Daddy is dropping me off at the Groomer for a bath. I didn't know there was poop in the grass when I rolled in it, honest! Daddy cleaned me off as best as he could, but he could still smell the reminder. Aunt Pat smelled it also, but she doesn't think it's that bad. She thinks Chloe's hair is starting to get a little scraggly and that she'll be the next one to go.

We've been spending a little more time outside. The weather's been so nice the past couple of days. I've been showing Chloe which grasses are good to chew on. We've been staying out of the garden for the most part, although Katie did walk in and smell the early tulips that were open. At least Aunt Pat thinks these are tulips, but she can't really be sure since she threw the package away after she planted them last Fall.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Aunt Allie!

Today is Aunt Allie's Birthday!! Who needs cake and ice cream when it's biskee's for everybody!!
Aunt Pat, and Daddy join us in hoping you have a wonderful day and a great year ahead!

Yesterday was a rather sleepy day for us. That thunderstorm Friday night kept us awake and scared poor Katie. Aunt Pat had to give her a pill to help her calm down. She couldn't sleep either, so we all got up on the living room sofa to cuddle up together. It got a little crowded, so after a few minutes, I got down on the floor. As much as I love Aunt Pat, she's not that comfortable as a pillow. Speaking of sleep, it's something we like to do a lot. Katie and Chloe love to sleep on the afghan on the living room sofa.

Chloe will often curl up and nap against one of the humans, especially we're on the family room sofa. I like to come up on the sofa, especially if I see Aunt Pat laying down. If she's comfortable, then I know the sofa's just right for me. I'll come over and drop the tennis ball on the sofa. If I just watch it sail over my head and not fetch it, she'll know that I want to get up. I may be a big girl, but I like a snuggle just as much as the next dog.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Katie's Day Out

As you can see, my sister Katie has been having a few bad hair days.
Let's face it, we all want to look our best for the spring, human or canine. So, Daddy called the groomer for Katie- the humans call it a groomer instead of a hairdresser so there isn't a mix-up between the two. Groomers are just for us, because hey, we deserve to have a special place where we can get beautiful! Aunt Pat told me I should go next, because she noticed I was chewing on my nails and scratching myself a bit. I've also been rolling around in the yard a lot.

Anyway, this is Katie before her trip to the groomer, and this is her afterwards:

She looks like a brand new dog! Tres Chic- especially with that snazzy pink bandanna. We both missed Katie while she was gone, Chloe especially. Chloe sniffed Katie all over and paid special attention to her once Aunt Pat brought her home.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Yard Work

I generally prefer fetch over the yard work, but life isn't all biskees and belly rubs. Since the weather has been pretty nice lately, Daddy and Aunt Pat have been in the backyard getting the leaves out from by the fence and cleaning up the sticks and other debris from the yard. Katie and Chloe took charge of the side of the yard and showed Aunt Pat where there were more leaves inside the lilac bushes and behind an evergreen.

They also pointed out a trouble spot by the patio. A few years ago, Aunt Pat planted some
vinca vine because it still looked healthy once the geraniums died in the planters they'd had by the front porch. It's really overgrown the area and is starting to choke out some of the other flowers Daddy and Aunt Pat's mother had planted there.

Afterwards, we all relaxed in the living room.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away

Although this picture was taken on a sunny day, today it's raining on and off. We spent the morning just like this, laying around the house, dozing. I think we're dog tired from all the playing outside we did yesterday. It was so nice out, we were out a lot. Katie had to stand by the door and bark more than once to get us inside.

I've spent a lot of time chewing, especially on my tennis balls. I chewed through 2 of them in one day! The humans are happy that I'm not chewing the furniture, so they keep giving me new balls to play with. I must say, though I do enjoy an occasional facial tissue or paper napkin.

We got to meet two of our neighbors that we've previously only barked at! We officially met Mrs. G. who lives directly behind us, and Mr. S. who lives behind us. Daddy and Aunt Pat have known them since they were puppies, oops, children, and are happy they're nice neighbors.

Now, Aunt Pat is talking about doing some Spring cleaning. It looks like Chloe is ready to help.