It's my second favorite flavor, next to biskees. I've chewed up a couple in the past couple of days, as well as a tennis ball ring toy Aunt Pat bought yesterday. Chloe likes to play tug-of-war on the floor, and the canvas toy Aunt Pat got at the Country Max show is all chewed up. Aunt Pat thought Chloe would like this one, since it's smaller and Chloe can get her little mouth around it. Well, once I got to it, it only lasted about an hour after Aunt Pat brought it home.

Katie started having trouble chewing the biskees we've been using. Daddy and Aunt Pat noticed that the latest few bags had much harder biskees, so Daddy got her some softer ones from the Vet's office. They're called Butler Nutrisentials Lean Treats. Chloe eats them too, and I will when anyone gives me one. The humans also are switching to a canned food, which is easier to chew. We're now getting a combination of Neutro Natural Choice Senior Chicken and Rice canned, with the dry. Katie eats some of the dry, but prefers the canned. We get so excited at meal time I wag my tail so hard my whole butt quakes! I know you are what you eat, so I hope we don't start growing feathers and clucking instead of barking. What would the neighbors think!

We've been having more fun in the backyard. Here we are waiting for Mrs. G. to come to the fence. She's very nice to us, and Chloe licks her fingers through the fence. We also met Mrs. S. in the other house behind us. They said I was beautiful! They had a Lab like me, only he was black, and their daughter, who was up on Easter, owns Stella. Aunt Pat felt stupid because she didn't recognize their daughter when she came out to talk to us, but Mrs. S. wasn't offended.

You all know how much I love to roll in the grass, but now I've got Katie doing it! Yep, she started not too long after I did. She's trying to show Chloe how to do it, but Chloe doesn't quite have the hang of it yet.
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