3 Tennis balls chewed up in the span of three hours! Plus, I chewed up a rubber chew toy that said it was indestructable. When I saw that on the package, I had to see if it was true. It wasnt. Aunt Pat found pieces of it all over the house. The package also said it had a nice minty flavor. It was okay-a nice departure from tennis ball, but I had to chew up two more tennis balls this weekend to be sure. Chloe watched closely, and wanted in on the action by chewing up the long "retriever roll" fetch toy. Smart girl, learning from the Chief Chewer in this house! Katie just sat there staring at me. She didn't bark her usual short bark when she wants us to do something, so I think she was just awestruck. Or she was making sure I didn't chew anything else. She didn't have to worry. I just chew my biskees and my toys.

Chloe rolled over in the grass yesterday! It was more of a flop and a wiggle, but she's getting the hang of it. Friday, she and Katie will go to the Vet and get their blood tested for heartworm and Lyme Disease just like I did. I'll miss the extra treats, but let's face it, who really likes to go to the doctor! Next week, she'll go to the groomer. She's looking a little shaggy, and she really should look as cute as Katie and I do after our trip to the groomer.

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