and I'm worried about Chloe. Sure, she looks all innocent and cute here, but she's sleeping. I know Santa can see us when we're sleeping, and knows when we're awake. It's when she's awake that there's trouble.

Sure, she's doing her usual perimeter patrol without being asked. I'm very proud that she's taken on this responsibility. Now that it's Winter, Katie will stay inside if she thinks it's too cold.

This is one of the things I'm concerned about. She's chewed up one of Aunt Pat's shoes!

I thought Chloe had gotten over this bad habit. She chewed up a few pairs of Mommy's good shoes when we lived in our old house. Aunt Pat thinks it's her fault, but I don't agree. Yes, earlier this year she gave Chloe and the rest of us, a slipper to play with. She couldn't find the other one, so she let us have the one she did find. Aunt Pat thinks that since it's okay to chew this shoe, Chloe thinks it's okay to chew any other shoe she can find. Katie and I know that isn't the case. We don't chew on any shoes. I showed Chloe how to chew a tennis ball, and she's done pretty well. I guess she just prefers the taste of shoe better than tennis ball. I'll have to work with her some more.

My second concern involves this. This is the new Snoopy decoration Aunt Pat bought. She saw it at Home Depot and she couldn't resist. Snoopy is her favorite dog....err, her favorite cartoon dog. We're her favorite real dogs, of course.

Chloe isn't a fan. I don't think she's a fan. I'm sure she knows that when she sees the glowing thing in the front yard that it isn't a danger. Katie and I know that. Chloe still barks at it. She'll even bark at it when it's just a blob on the grass during the daytime. Chloe thinks she's just doing her part by watching for danger, but she has to realize that Snoopy and Woodstock aren't really going to take off and buzz the house as the World War I Flying Ace. Chloe hasn't been barking at it as much the past couple of days. Hopefully she'll be used to seeing it the barking will stop so Santa can cross her off his naughty list. He doesn't give good gifts to those on his naughty list...or so I've heard. Chloe is a nice little dog. She has her moments, just like anyone.

I'm starting to feel a little better. I'm getting asprin and the glucosamine twice a day, and the asprin seems to help. I'm going up and down the stairs more often, and I'm sleeping more frequently on more supportive surfaces, like the sofa, and the dog beds. This coming Monday, Katie and Chloe go to the Groomer so they'll look their best for Christmas. I know they're looking forward to it.

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