I never talked about our trip to our favorite Pet store! That's where we had our photo taken with Santa Claus.

The photos benefited The Humane Society at Lollypop Farm, a local animal shelter where Mommy and Daddy adopted Chloe from a couple of years ago. We're so happy she's a part of the family! Well, I rode with Aunt Pat while Daddy drove Katie and Chloe. Aunt Pat and I got there first so we went inside to check in. I was so excited to finally be at the place where my favorite biskees come from, as well as our dog food, toys, and the pee pads!

I couldn't decide what to sniff first! There was so much. I started outside the store and almost ran Aunt Pat into the pole with the handicapped parking sign on it. I had to see who'd been there and left a, well, message around the bottom of the pole. Doing piddles isn't only for relief, but it's how we let others know we've been by. Aunt Pat tried to get me to stop, but I knew there weren't any cars coming, so I led her to the door. I would've gotten it for her, but since I don't have thumbs, I can't open things.

Anyway, the very nice person at the cash register told us that the photos were going to be in the back room, and pointed towards the rear of the store. On our way to the back room we went through the aisle with more toys than I had ever seen before! I was in heaven! I had to sniff the squeaky toys, and wanted to test a couple of them, but Aunt Pat told me not to. There were some bags of dog food and some more toys at the end of the aisle. I had a quick sniff and we went into the back room. I didn't want to be late.

Aunt Pat told the nice lady at the table that we were here. I saw a couple of open bags of something- I had to sniff them out and I think they were some kind of dog food, or maybe cat litter. Aunt Pat didn't let me sniff long enough to tell. There was a cat in a carrier ahead of us, so the lady thought we should wait in the store front until they were done. Aunt Pat saw Daddy, so we went up the dollar toy aisle to greet him. I didn't get to see the toys though, just the pee pads and the rug cleaner. Daddy gave Aunt Pat Katie and Chloe's leashes so he could go in and pay.

Katie and Chloe like to bark at cats, and I certainly didn't want them making a bad impression with Santa. Waiting outside, they could browse and get an idea of what they could put on their list for Santa. We sniffed out a display of some new dog treats. Katie accidentally knocked a couple of boxes off the shelf but Aunt Pat picked them up before anybody noticed. I was particularly interested in the rawhide chews. I scared Aunt Pat when I stuck my head into a box of chews. She thought I had grabbed one, but I only put my head down to sniff. Then we turned our attention to the rawhide bones across the aisle. They were at the perfect level to taste. I thought Chloe was going to lick one, but she just sniffed. Katie and Chloe got distracted by the bags of all the different dog foods against the back wall.

Then, it was time for our photos. There weren't too many things to sniff, but there were a couple of dogs, Aunt Pat assumed, that left a little reminder of their visit. Good thing nobody stepped in it. After we'd had a good sniff, it was all business. Once the photo was done, they led us out through a different part of the store.

It wasn't until after we were in the car that Aunt Pat told me about the biskees in the bulk display by the cash register. No wonder she was in a hurry to get us out of the store! I didn't see that display when we went in! I must have been too distracted by the toys to notice. Sometimes I have a one track nose. Boxes and boxes of different flavors of my favorite snack on display for the taking, er buying. That's something Santa could leave in my stocking!
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