I'll get to sleep in Aunt Pat's bed. At night, Aunt Pat closes her bedroom door, shutting us out. She had allergies to dogs in the past, but the test for dog and cat dander were negative on her most recent tests. So, I don't see any reason we can't camp out with Aunt Pat at night. Even though her bed is a ways off the ground, I'm a big girl. I could make it with the right help. Now I don't expect anyone to pick me up, but a nice set of doggie stairs strategically placed at the foot of the bed, could do the trick. I'm not sure the containers she uses to store her Cd's and her yarn that are stuffed under the bed would hold me. There isn't enough room on either side of her bed. Between the bookcase, the dresser, and the under bed storage, there's barely enough room for me to turn around in!
The last month or so, we've have a little game at bedtime. Since I follow Aunt Pat everywhere, I'll go into her bedroom at night, lay down and don't move. If she sits down to give me a tummy rub, I'll look up at her with my "you must let me stay because I'm so loyal" face. Then, I'll rest my head on her knee.

Other times I may use my "I'm So Cute You'll Feel Terribly Guilty Making Me Leave" face. But lately, I've been flopping onto my side and closing my eyes. Aunt Pat truly believes in the "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie" adage.

There's one little pickle in the mix. Chloe and Katie may come in at any point and distract Aunt Pat. Chloe can be a little rambunctious when she gets tired. You can see Chloe's leg in the picture with my head on Aunt Pat's knee. Aunt Pat will get up and leave the room for a few minutes. Of course, we'll follow. Then, Aunt Pat will hurry back to her bedroom and close the door, shutting us out for the night.

Last night was different. Katie got into the act. Sure, when we're upstairs, she'll go into Aunt Pat's room for a quick sniff. But, she usually prefers the dog bed or the rug in the office.

But, last night, right before Aunt Pat went to bed, Katie walked in and laid down on the floor...and stayed! Aunt Pat was surprised, and put a little rug down that she'd knit for the powder room so Katie could be more comfortable. Aunt Pat was so tired she left the door open in case Katie wanted to leave, turned out the light and got into bed. This was my chance!! I paced around the bed, looking for a good place to get a foothold. Aunt Pat opened one eye, and I gave her my best smiley, tongue hanging out cute look. She just warned me to watch out for Katie, then closed her eyes and turned over. Since she doesn't have any pet stairs, I settled for the floor. Fine with me. I like a snug space to curl up in. I settled in between the dresser and the bed.
Then, Chloe came in. She started whining, making her little "help me up now please" vocalizations, standing up against the side of the bed with her little "help me, I'm a lap dog who needs a cuddle" look. By this time, Katie had toddled off to the dog bed in the office.

Aunt Pat sat up and walked into the office, and Chloe followed. Aunt Pat gave her a tummy rub, hoping it would calm Chloe down so she would fall asleep. When it looked like Chloe was finally asleep, Aunt Pat came back. Unfortunately, Chloe followed. Chloe's standing against the side of the bed jostled it so much, Aunt Pat was getting queasy. So, Aunt Pat picked up Chloe and brought her in bed with her. I ended up going into the dog bed in Daddy's room for a while, because the floor was getting a little hard. If only I were 40 pounds lighter, and smaller in size.
Aunt Pat looked pretty tired this morning. She didn't sleep too well. From what I understand, Chloe was a real bed hog. I know part of her sleeplessness was due to Aunt Pat wanting to help Chloe to the ground if she wanted to get out of bed. She didn't want Chloe hurting herself since her bed is rather high off the ground. However, Aunt Pat had barely enough room to turn over! She almost fell out of bed but caught herself in time. Once Aunt Pat had to get out of bed and walk around it to get to the other side!
How rude of Chloe! Now I doubt any of us will be welcome to spend the night in Aunt Pat's room. I think Aunt Pat enjoyed the companionship, but Chloe went a bit too far. I know she's still young, but I thought she had better manners.
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