but not everybody likes to go to the Dentist. Monday, Daddy leashed up Chloe and me, and told us we were going for a car ride. You know I love car rides. Put me in the back seat and I'm a happy girl. Well, I got excited about a nice long drive. I know Daddy had to go to work, but one nice thing about living here, is that you don't have to drive too far to sniff, err, see some nice scenery. You can imagine my disappointment when we stopped at our regular Vet's office. It's only about five minutes away from home. Some car ride. Don't get me wrong, I love our regular Vet and everyone who works there. I just wish it were a little farther away. Daddy and Aunt Pat are very happy that they're close, especially after Monday.

Anyway, Chloe and I had appointments to have our teeth cleaned. Chloe had a little tantrum when they took me back first. I think she wanted to go first so she could get it over with. Everything went well, our teeth are nice and clean. Aunt Pat says our breath is much fresher. But, our dental appointments aren't like Daddy's or Aunt Pat's. We have to be given anesthesia. Let's face it, I'm not sure how much I'd like the idea of having my teeth scraped without having a biskee chaser. Plus, Chloe talks so much, they'd never get any work done. So, we were at the Vet's office all day. Chloe woke up fairly quickly, and boy, she was chatting with anyone and everyone she could. She's very empathetic, so I think she was trying to give the other patients some solace and consolation...sort of like a friendly visitor you'd see in a hospital.

It took me longer to wake up. I was pretty...happy, when Aunt Pat picked us up. She said I looked like a freshman on their first weekend away at college. Hmm. How would she know that? Oh, she had a roommate her first semester freshman year who spent more time on a bar stool than in class. Okay, so I was doing the drunken sailor walk where I'd walk a couple of steps then flop on the floor with my legs askew. It was like my front legs and my back legs were working independently of each other. I almost ran into the wall. Our neighbor and Vet Tech extraordinaire, D, had to get a towel to support my back end so I could get outside. A nice man who was there for something offered to help us out, which was nice of him. Anyway, Aunt Pat and D poured me into the back seat and we drove home. Once we got home, I got out of the car okay, and after wandering around the back yard for a few minutes, I got in the house without needing much assistance. After a little nap, then a lite supper, and then another nap, I was steadier when Daddy got home from work. I even made it up the stairs without too much trouble.

Chloe was a little "happy" and sad as well. She was a little wobbly when she got up on the table to look out upon the neighborhood. I think I scared her, too. She'd sniff me, and whine, but she was pretty whiny last night anyway. She wanted to eat; she wanted to walk; she wanted to go through the neighborhood showing off her pearly whites and fresh breath! The Vet's office had instructed Aunt Pat to wait to feed us until 8pm or so. Plus, Aunt Pat figured we shouldn't go for walkies, either, which was fine by me. Aunt Pat got so tired of Chloe's whining, she fed us before the instructions said we should eat. But, we'd kept down some water and a few treats, so she didn't think we'd have any trouble with our food. We didn't. We were both back to normal Tuesday morning. I was a bit stiffer, but moving around more, and taking a couple of nice walks helped. On our afternoon walk yesterday, I almost got a ride on a school bus! The bus driver waved at us, but Aunt Pat said she was letting us cross the street. I think she wanted us to come for a ride.