Friday, and she's doing well. She had her rabies update and her kennel cough vaccine. Turns out, Katie hasn't had the kennel cough vaccine in a while. The Vet thought that she should have one. So, Daddy will take her this Thursday.

Today, we had our first measurable snow! Daddy had just finished mowing and mulching the leaves in the back yard when the flakes started to fly! Before anyone went out, I had to sniff and well, sample the snow to make sure it was safe for my sisters to be in it.

And no, I didn't eat the yellow snow. There wasn't any yet! Not that I would anyway.

However, I did make a snow dog. I can't make a snow angel, since my legs don't move that way.
We really had fun this morning. Aunt Pat brought a toy out and we played a little fetch. Chloe was very excited to see the snow, and we played for a few minutes.

Katie took it all in stride. She's not a big fan of the cold. When Aunt Pat holds the door open, Katie stops at the door and looks outside. Then she'll look at Aunt Pat with a "Do I have to-I'm so small and pathetic" look. Aunt Pat will provide encouragement and reassurance that she won't have to be outside for long. She did her business, sniffed around the perimeter, and wanted to go in. I know she sampled the snow, though. Katie barked at Chloe and me when we were playing, so I think our enthusiasm and enjoyment of the snow bothered her. She may have been upset with us for disturbing the peace and quiet atmosphere that comes with the snowfall.

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