Santa Claws! Ooops, Santa Claus. Sorry. I know he knows when you're awake and sleeping and everything! I hope he knows that was a mistake, and he won't put coal in my stocking. Although these days, coal might be a good thing to get.

Even though we were taking photos, I had the chance to give Santa my Christmas list. I won't repeat it here, because it's between me and Santa. But, I'm sure you can guess biskees and some new chew toys would be high up on the list. Anyway, the photos turned out nicely, and Aunt Pat made copies (since the photographer signed off the copyright, which is why they're posted here.) for Mommy, the Vet, the Groomer and to put on the mantle.
It was a very exciting morning. I thought we were all going with Aunt Pat, so I climbed into the driver's seat before she could get the back door open. I figured I'd drive because I heard Daddy say that Katie and Chloe's licenses needed to be renewed. Aunt Pat wouldn't have it. So, after a couple of minutes, I moved over to the front seat and Aunt Pat drove. I didn't mind too much. It would've looked pretty funny if I'd been behind the wheel. Since we had an appointment, I wouldn't have wanted to get pulled over.

Anyway, when we got home, we were very tired. We all slept for most of the afternoon while Aunt Pat made turkey pies from the Thanksgiving leftovers. Katie got up once in a while to do her rounds as floor sweeper.

Chloe napped under the dining room table. She really likes to use that as her den, or safe spot. I'm too big to fit under there, and Katie doesn't go under there. Chloe can see what's going on in the kitchen and come in if need be. Plus, she can take her biskees under there without worrying that Katie or I will eat them.
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