We hope everyone has a lovely Thanksgiving! We have a lot to be thankful for. Caring people rescued us and matched us up with our humans; our humans love us and give us lots of tummy rubs, a nice home and wholesome food; biskees; the three of us get along well; we're healthy-we're especially thankful that Katie recovered from her problems and continues to do well; we have great people who work hard to keep us feeling and looking great. Oh, did I mention biskees?
Aunt Pat made dinner, and we helped! She's worked hard the last couple of days to get things ready so she wouldn't have to rush today. We stood, well, laid down nearby in case we were needed for spill clean up, help getting ingredients out of the fridge, and so on. Today was no exception. We all took different positions to make sure we could be where we were needed quickly. Katie stayed by the door to the dining room, making sure Aunt Pat got the the turkey and stuffing in the oven safely.

I positioned myself by the kitchen table, so I could read the meat thermometer to be sure the turkey and the stuffing were at the proper temperature. No undercooked turkey for us...or our humans!

Chloe came in and out, but she stayed out of the way during cooking. She's still a little young to be worrying about meal preparation. Katie and I want her to focus on looking cute to get table scraps, and getting the humans to drop food on the floor.

She showed up in time for the carving and the serving. She worked on her cute and hungry looks, but neither Daddy nor Aunt Pat would share their meals with us. They didn't drop anything on the way to the table, either. Darn it! It looked very tasty.

So, we had to wait for clean up. Katie and I waited as Aunt Pat took the turkey off the bone.

Katie got lucky. She's used to sniffing around and licking, er sweeping the crumbs and bits off of the floor. So, she was off in a flash when Aunt Pat dropped a couple of turkey bits. She sniffed the rest of the floor but only found a couple of leaf pieces that had come in from the outside.

After dinner, we chilled out for a while. Chloe helped Aunt Pat with the Black Friday Ads.

Katie made sure Aunt Pat didn't gain any weight after eating her big dinner. She barked for a tummy rub. After a couple of minutes she'd get up and walk over to a new spot. Then, she'd look at Aunt Pat, bark and lay down for another tummy rub! Aunt Pat had to get up and move around.

I put myself in charge of the snacking. Around our usual dinner time, Daddy and Aunt Pat made themselves sandwiches. I thought I'd get a snack if I barked and startled Daddy so much he dropped something. Or, if I bark a lot, the humans will give me something, usually a biskee, to shut me up. It'll work sometimes with Aunt Pat, but it didn't work with Daddy...this time. Oh well. It's for our own good, I guess. Too much human food can upset our tummies, and the last thing we want is to go to the Vet. We love them, but only want to see them for our routine vaccinations and check ups.

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