No, I don't mean woof woof. I mean roof, like the one on top of our house. Earlier this month Aunt Pat, Chloe and I were in the dining room horsing around, err, doing my exercises and running through our obedience lessons. Aunt Pat looked up and spotted stains from water droplets that had trickled down the wall. This isn't the first time they've had trouble with the woof, err, roof. Over the last few years there have been other leaks and repairs. Plus, Daddy and Aunt Pat noticed that it was sagging over the back part of the garage. So, considering it's age-it's 21 years old, Daddy and Aunt Pat knew it was time to replace it.
Daddy and Aunt Pat got a couple of estimates. Both roofers were very nice to us, but Daddy and Aunt Pat could only pick one. They started Monday, and boy, it's been pretty loud around here.
We try to help where we can. Chloe's been watching at the window barking encouragement.

I've been staying close to Aunt Pat. If she leaves the room for a few minutes I'll bark to make sure she's not having any trouble because of the noise. NO, my barking has nothing to do with me being afraid of the noise...even though it can sound like a bad thunderstorm...which I am afraid of. So what if Aunt Pat had to give me some of the thunderstorm medicine this afternoon?
Loud noises trigger both Aunt Pat's migraines and her vertigo, so I want to make sure she's okay. We're all grateful when it's time for walkies. We've been spending more time in the family room because it's not as noisy there.

We had a break yesterday. They couldn't come because it was so cold. Monday night it was so windy a tarp blew off the roof as well as some of the supplies. Aunt Pat had to tie the tarp to the lilac bush so the tarp wouldn't cover up the exhaust vent of the furnace.

Daddy put the stuff that had blown off into the garage for safekeeping. Although we didn't get as much snow as expected, Chloe and I wanted to be sure the yard was in shape so the roofers could do their job. It might look like we're playing, but we're working. We were making sure
the snow was level so nobody would trip, and that the back yard was picked up.

I think the roofers appreciated our help. They said they'd be finished tomorrow!