Strawberries are fruit, and they're supposed to be wonderful roughage. But, when the strawberries aren't available, I love Aunt Pat's bean plants. Bean sprouts are supposed to be good for you. Chefs use them all the time in different dishes.

Aunt Pat planted a lot of them this year, and she keeps replanting them once I've finished! She even put some in containers just for me! At least I think she did. Some of them had a bitter apple flavor that didn't taste too bad once I got used to it. There was also another bitter flavor I couldn't identify, but it sure made things tasty.

Don't worry, I've left a couple of plants for the humans. Aunt Pat actually picked a few beans last week.

Aunt Pat thinned a few carrots today, but she didn't give me any. I thought if I stood on the edge of the garden, tail wagging, and gave her my cute excited look, I'd be chomping on some carroty goodness. It didn't work. I probably should have barked, but I'll wait until the carrots get bigger. The ones she pulled out were pretty small.
Don't feel bad for Aunt Pat. I know she would rather have me eat the garden, err, grab a couple of bean plants instead of eating too much grass. Besides, there's this place called a Farmer's Market where Daddy and Aunt Pat can go and get just about any kind of produce they want.
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