For about five minutes or so this afternoon. We've seen birds flying out of the forsythia beside the back door whenever one of us has gotten close to it. Chloe has sniffed around the shrub, and she's even tried to climb it at times, but Aunt Pat thought she was just tracking a bird she had seen. But yesterday, Aunt Pat found a nest, but didn't see any baby birds.

However, this afternoon Aunt Pat had us outside between rain showers, to do our business. That's when I spotted something in the grass. It was a baby bird! I sniffed it, and walked around it and sniffed it again. I couldn't believe it! Aunt Pat wanted me to leave it alone. She was afraid I was going to eat it, like I have some of the other dead birds we've found in the yard.

I had no intention of harming this bird. How could I leave such a helpless thing alone? Every time I leaned over where it could see me, it opened it's mouth like it was hungry! It thought I was it's mother! I didn't have any worms or bugs on me, so I knew we had to get it back to it's nest. After more sniffing, I tried to convince Aunt Pat that she had to pick up the bird and put it back in the nest in the forsythia, but she said no. She said that since the bird was pretty far from home, it probably started to practice its flying skills and got too tired to fly any further. Aunt Pat said that if we left it alone, it would fly back to it's nest once it rested. I didn't want to leave it, but I wanted to see what would happen. I was ready to resume mothering duties if needed.

Chloe did a perimeter check to make sure there weren't any cats around, and then we went inside. By the time we got upstairs to the kitchen, my little bird baby was gone. Aunt Pat saw it's real parents in the back yard, so they must have gotten him an energy boosting worm or something. I sniffed around outside the next time we went out, and there were no signs of fowl play. Fowl play, get it? I'll keep my nose, err, eyes peeled for my little charge.

Katie is doing fine today. She's back to begging at the table for scraps, and she's kept the bland diet, her heart worm pill, and a little deli turkey down. She didn't want any of the canned dog food Aunt Pat mixed in with her dinner, so the humans may try again tomorrow.
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