Thursday, July 16, 2009

Quick Update on Katie

We're sorry we haven't posted sooner, but Aunt Pat has been having more migraines and has been wiped out from our hectic week. Since she's been home, Katie's appetite has come and gone. She'll drink quite a bit, but she hasn't wanted to eat more than a few bites. The humans figured that Katie didn't like the beef diet, since she never had eaten beef before. So, Aunt Pat went on line and found some other kidney diets that have chicken and potatoes, yum! She still doesn't have much of an appetite. She'd only eat a little bit with a lot of persuasion. Aunt Pat found some ideas to She wouldn't take her pills, so Aunt Pat has been taking her back to the Vet every day this week so she could get her medicine in a shot form. Her tummy is still upset, though. She threw up again early this morning, so Aunt Pat and Daddy are taking her for an ultrasound at 6pm today. We'll post an update when we get home.

Daddy and Aunt Pat are very worried. The Vet said Katie still smelled uremic, meaning she smells like pee, which means her kidneys aren't working well. When Aunt Pat had her at the Vet yesterday, they gave her some fluids under her skin. They want to do what they can for her, but they don't want her to suffer unnecessarily. They're puzzled. Last year when she was so sick, Katie was very lethargic, and vomiting and pooping blood. Katie is resting, but she's not lethargic. She'll get up and go outside, sniff around and today was rolling around in the grass. She's trolling around the kitchen floor, sniff the bowls, and look for food. Whenever Aunt Pat got our leashes out for walkies, Katie's right there, wagging her tail.

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