She'd been doing okay on the turkey and rice mixture, but yesterday she started getting a little...loose in the caboose, if you know what I mean. Plus, she started scooting again. Aunt Pat mixed in some canned pumpkin with her food and she seemed to like it. Unfortunately, a couple of hours later, Katie vomited again. But, an hour or so later, she was back at the dinner table, looking pleadingly at Aunt Pat and Daddy for samples from their dinner. She ate this morning but was still loose, so Daddy called the Vet. Aunt Pat had to take a sample of her number two with them, so Katie obliged. The humans were also concerned since Katie hasn't had her aspirin in a few days, and she seems to be having some joint discomfort.

The doctor gave her a good once-over, and gave them something to put in her food so she'll digest it better, and they cleaned out her remaining anal gland. The Vet also wants Katie to have lab work done in August since it will be a year since the last lab work was done. But, if Katie doesn't improve, to bring her in sooner. The Vet and Aunt Pat talked about possibly changing our food again and the possibility of doing an elimination diet. So, Aunt Pat has been researching different dog food companies. Katie was pretty tired when she got home and has been resting this afternoon. Heck, we've all been resting this afternoon like we usually do!

Today's visit wasn't all bad. Katie brought home a neat toy for her trouble! It's a cool flying disc. We haven't played with it yet, it still kinda smells like the Vet's office, so we left it outside so the rain can wash the smell off of it and it can air out.

We hope everyone had a nice July 4Th. Ours was quiet, until nighttime. Katie and Chloe were okay, but I didn't like the noise of the fireworks. I stayed even closer to Aunt Pat than usual, and we didn't stay out for potties long at all. We got to go nose to nose with Stella, the S's daughter's Labrador Retriever! She and her mom were up to visit for the weekend. Chloe was especially happy to finally have a nose to nose meeting through the fence. Stella didn't seem to be afraid of us this time, like she did the last time we saw her.
Aw I hope Katie feels better
Thank you!
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